State Variable Estimation of Nonisothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Fuzzy Kalman Filter

Risa Fitria, Didik Khusnul Arif


Increasing safety and product quality, reducing manufacturing cost, minimizing the impact of environment in fault detection system for Nonisothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) are the reason why accurate state estimation is needed. Kalman filter is an estimation algorithm of the stochastic linear dynamical system. Through this work, a modification of Kalman Filter that combines with fuzzy theory, namely Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF) is presented to estimate the state variable of Non-Isothermal CSTR. First, we approximate the nonlinear system of CSTR as piecewise linear functions and then change the crisp variable into the fuzzy form. The estimation results are simulated using Matlab. The simulation shows the comparison results, i.e computational time and accuracy, between FKF and Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). The final result of these case shows that FKF is better than EnKF to estimate the state variable of Nonisothermal CSTR. The error estimation of FKF is 72.9% smaller for estimation of reactans concentration, 39.9% smaller for tank temperature, 76.47% smaller for cooling jacket temperature and the computational time of FKF is 76.47% faster than the computational time of EnKF.


Continuous stirred tank reactor; estimation; fuzzy Kalman filter

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