Spinning Q-balls in Five-Dimensional Spacetime

Bintoro anang subagyo


We investigate q-balls in the d=5 dimensional Minkowski spacetime background with axially symmetric
ansatz. In this case, q-balls have non-zero angular momentum for spinning problems. We construct spinning
q-balls in five dimensions and solve the solutions of second order elliptic partial differential equations both
using analytical and numerical approach since no closed form of the equations following by appropriate
boundary conditions. This work only considers the case with equal angular momentum rather than two
different angular momenta. Passing the solutions, we discuss the global charge and their properties compared
to Coleman q-balls. The solutions exist in some range of frequencies. The main features of q-balls are still
recovered in this construction.



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24604682.v15i2.5254


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