Petrus Waruwu


The Mount Rajabasa area has several manifestations of hot springs that developed, one of which was in Way Muli and Kunjir Villages. The hot springs distributed layer in the area can be identified using the geoelectric resistivity vertical electrical sounding method. There were 3 sounding points of measurement results which were modelled in inversion using damped least squares. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of damped least square inversion modeling, determine subsurface lithology and model hot springs distribution by correlating 3 sounding points into 2-D transverse modelling. The results of data processing and modelling, there were 3 lithologies, namely top soil (14-466 m), sandstone (5-50 m) and clay (<5 m). The layer distributed by the hot springs was the sandstone layer. The results of the analysis of the hot springs well sample data show that the hot spring in the study area had a neutral pH, was brackish water and was a thermal spring.


Damped Least Square; Hot Springs; Resistivity

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