Simulasi Keruntuhan Bendungan Jatibarang Kota Semarang menggunakan Program HEC – RAS 2D

Yoszy Kusuma Wardana, S. Kamilia Aziz, Rizki Robbi Rahman Alam, Dwi Indriyani


The collapse of the dam has a significant impact on the downstream area of the dam. These impacts can be minimized by conducting a dam collapse simulation. There are two main causes of dam collapse, namely overtopping and piping. From the hydrological analysis of the Jatibarang Dam, it is determined that overtopping is not a concern. Therefore, the dam collapse analysis utilizes the piping analysis method. Dam collapse modeling is carried out using the HEC-RAS 2D program with the Froehlich 2008 regression method, as the dam is of the embankment type. According to the simulation results, a dam collapse at the Jatibarang Dam would result in a flood affecting an area of 30.590 km2 downstream of the dam.


dam, break, HEC – RAS, piping

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