Analisa Tidak Linier Mekanisme Keruntuhan Jembatan Busur Rangka Baja (A-Half Through Arch)

Abdul Rochim, Data Iranata, Bambang Piscesa, Navir Afif Refani


The collapses of steel truss bridges can be caused by some factors such as vehicle overloads, material deterioration (corrosion, fatigue), and unexpected tsunami and/or earthquake loads. However, in this paper, the study is limited only to the failure of a-half through arch bridge due to earthquake loads. The bridge has a 100 m long span and is designed using the response spectrum of Surabaya city, East Java, Indonesia. Static nonlinear push-over analysis is used to investigate the performance and the collapse mechanism of the bridge. The bridge was designed based on SNI 1725-2016 and SNI 2833-2016. From the analysis, the failure of the structural elements occurred in the arch members located somewhere near the end portal. The performance level of the bridge determined using the Capacity Spectrum Method [1] is at the Immediate Occupancy (IO) level.


Keruntuhan jembatan bisa disebabkan beberapa faktor seperti beban berlebih, fatik, korosi, gempa bumi dan/atau tsunami. Namun, dalam artikel ini, penelitian dibatasi hanya pada kegagalan jembatan busur dengan tipe a-half through arch bridge yang diakibatkan oleh beban gempa. Jembatan yang ditinjau memiliki bentang 100 m dan didesain sesuai dengan zona gempa kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur – Indonesia. Jembatan didesain dengan menggunakan SNI 1725-2016 dan SNI 2833-2016. Analisa beban dorong tidak linear digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja dan mekanisme keruntuhan struktur jembatan. Berdasarkan hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa kegagalan elemen struktur jembatan terjadi pada elemen busur dekat portal akhir. Level kinerja struktur jembatan ditentukan dengan Metode Kapasitas Spektrum [1] dan termasuk dalam level Immediate Occupancy (IO).


keruntuhan; pushover; a-half through arch; level kinerja

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