The Role of the Church Institution in Responding the COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study: Jemaat Rehoboth, GPM)

Eduardo Erlangga Drestanta, Elrianton Muskita, I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, Placidus Kristadi Stefanugroho


Throughout the pandemic, the church is one of the numerous religious institutions that is perceived as crucial and has a close connection in the control of COVID-19 in Ambon, Maluku. This research highlights the roles of and the strategies constructed by Gereja Protestan Maluku (GPM) as well as religious leaders who have the capability to transform social condition of the community related to the management of COVID-19. GPM, being a religious institution, is faced with the self-reactualisation of principles which are continuously renewed with regards to responding to the complex issues of COVID-19, such as the return to familial and household theological beliefs as well as adat traditions (mata rumah and piring natsar). Through a descriptive-qualitative approach, this research finds that the church institution is perceived as an essential and strategic part in terms of Maluku’s social structure to reduce the transmission and impact of COVID-19 by performing “divine” interventions in line with medical interventions within nonpharmaceutical and pharmaceutical contexts. Thus, the church institution could take a more active part as a strategic partner and therefore managing the issues caused by the pandemic can be run smoothly and effectively in Maluku.


Adat Tradition; Church Institution; COVID-19; Gereja Protestan Maluku (GPM)-Rehoboth Ambon; Role

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