The Policy Strategy for the Development of Housing and Settlements in Disaster-Prone Areas after the Earthquake Disaster in Majene Regency, West Sulawesi

Windy Septi Sintia, Rafid Mahful, Virda Evi Yanti Deril, Astriati Tada, Andris Bertohir Panginan


According to Majene Regency's BNPB data, the early 2021 earthquake resulted in 105 fatalities and 92,075 people being forced to leave their houses, leading to their displacement. As many as 7,240 dwelling units were damaged, of which 3,005 were severely damaged, 1,727 were moderately damaged, and 2,508 were mildly damaged. The large number of earthquake-related houses damages reveals a lack of housing and settlement development policies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design appropriate policy strategies for housing and settlement development based on information regarding the degree of damage to residential hoses following the earthquake and the zones of Majene Regency's disaster-prone locations. In order to map the locations of residential buildings that sustain heavy, moderate, and low damage and to zone disaster-prone areas based on fault fault maps in Majene Regency, a quantitative descriptive analysis method with a spatial approach through map overlay is used. Then, in order to reinforce the strategic formulation of housing and settlement development policies in earthquake-prone areas, a policy study on spatial use directions as well as standards for the building of earthquake-resistant housing and settlements was conducted. The analysis's findings indicate that the level of residential houses damage falls into the medium and extremely high categories. A number of residential neighborhoods and settlements were found to have residential building structures that did not adhere to earthquake-resistant building requirements and were situated in restricted and forbidden zones. As a result, the best housing and settlement development policy strategy to minimize the damage of residential houses after the earthquake is to forbid new construction for residential functions and important facilities in restricted zones. Additionally, residential construction must be strengthened in accordance with The relevant specifications are SNI 1762 (Procedures for Planning Earthquake Resistance for constructions) and technical guidelines for earthquake-resistant constructions.


Earthquake, Housing, Settlement Development Policy Strategy, Zoning disaster-prone areas

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