Penerapan Metode Rootcause Analysis (RCA) dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Cagar Budaya Kampung Kemasan, Gresik
In a planning process, appropriate methods in order to understand the problems is needed so that proper planning products targeted to answer the challenge on a case study. Root cause analysis (RCA) is a qualitative analysis method that serves to attract understanding the root causes of problem which is need to be considered in the formulation stage of product planning. The tourist area of cultural heritage Kampung Kemasan has potential as a tourist development area but his condition is not developed well. Kampung Kemasan chosen as a case study to be aligned with the functions deemed appropriate method of RCA as a tools to understand the root cause of an event. The use of RCA is expected to become effective tools for basic guidelines for the formulation of the product development of the region based on a comprehensive understanding of an event
Keyword: Rootcause analysis, heritage tourism, Kampung Kemasan
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