Automatic Multiple Choice Examination Questions Marking and Grade Generator Software

Benjamin Kommey, Eliel Keelson, Frimpong Samuel, Seth Twum-Asare, Konadu Kwaku Akuffo


This paper discusses a feasible software solution that enables automatic marking and
grading of scripts. Technology keeps expanding, and more advanced innovations are
being implemented with time. The marking and allocation of grades for examina-
tion scripts through human efforts are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Hence,
machines and software applications are introduced to make the entire marking and
grading of examination scripts more efficient, fast, and less tedious. Computer vision
is an artificial intelligence (AI) knowledge domain that ensures devices obtain useful
information from digital images, videos, and other visual inputs. Image processing
and recognition, a unique part of computer vision alongside the python program-
ming language and the OpenCV library was employed for this project. These are the
most used in developing most recent applications that utilize, to some extent, arti-
ficial intelligence to attain specific desired results. The result of the project seeks
to develop a maintainable android software application that uses image processing
technology to scan patterns or images and grades results of multiple-choice question
scripts based on a set marking scheme. This ensures that desired results are obtained
while increasing efficiency and productivity.


OpenCV; Computer Vision; Automatic Marking; Digital Image; Examination; Grading

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