Arum Prayudi Lestari, Yesica Novrita Devi, Wibowo Arninputranto, Devina Puspita Sari


Shipyard companies have a recording system in warehousing activities to manage inventory. Inventory control to manage and serve the raw materials appropriately. Calculation analysis used to controlling raw materials inventory using the Minimum-Maximum Stock Level method. From the 14 item of fiberglass ship raw materials calculated using the min-max stock method, resin is found to have the highest utilization value. The end-of-year 2022 stock for resin is 195 liters, while the calculated safety stock is 2.08 liters, indicating that the Min-Max Stock Level method has not been implemented in the company's raw materials inventory. System development required the management system in the company run effectively and efficiently. Measuring the quality of system development can be tested based on the ISO 25010 standard feasibility test. The test results based on 3 aspects in the ISO 25010 standard feasibility test, percentage results based on the functional suitability aspect of 100% for each validator, which means that a percentage in the criteria for an acceptable system. On the usability aspect a percentage of 92.2%, indicates that the quality of the designed system included in the feasibility criteria. The maintainability aspect of inventory management information system is included in the easy-to-maintain category.


Functional Suitability, Inventory Control, Maintainability, Min-Max Stock Level, Suitability.


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