History-like Path of Identical Particle Systems in Topological SpaceM

Akhmad Aminuddin Bama


In this paper, a new concept has been introduced related to the construction of inequivalent quantizations for a system, which is called “history-like path” for particles. This is a collection of non-causal homotopical paths. Each homotopy class of paths will be labelled with a “word” constructed from the generators of fundamental group 1(QN(i)) of a configuration space of the system in a space-like i which is a deformation retract of Mi region that is a sub-space-time of M in which there is no singular slice (a slice Mc in M that contains a singular point). The labels determine the generators and their relations in constructing the fundamental group 1(QN) of the system.


homotopical path; fundamental group; topological space; topology change

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24604682.v6i2.924


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