Vol 21, No 1 (2025)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24604682.v21i1

JFA (Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya) Volume 21, Nomor 1, January 2025 Edition

Table of Contents


Blueshift of the optical bandgap in ZnO films by controlling the substrate temperature PDF
Eka Nurfani, Cindy Chotimah, M.S. Anrokhi, G.T.M. Kadja, W.S. Sipahutar, A. Mustaqim, A. Rianjanu 1-5
Turbine Slope Testing in Microhydro Plants as a Regional Electricity Source near River Flows that are not Reachable by PLN PDF
Muhammad Arief Bustomi, Meli Riski Utami, Bachtera Indarto, Yono Hadi Pramono, Gontjang Prajitno, Ali Yunus Rohedi, Endah Purwanti 6-12
Viscosity Modeling and Prediction of Amorphophallus oncophyllus and Sapindus rarak Using Machine Learning Methods PDF
Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin, Dwi Atty Mardiana, Andrian Sutiadi, Fajri Maulida 13-20
Ensemble Parameterization of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for Predicting Heavy Rainfall in the Bandung area, West Java PDF
Abdul Hamid Al Habib 21-28
Cavitation Effect towards Graphene Oxide Synthesis Using Liquid Phase Exfoliation Method Assisted by Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate PDF
Duwi Susanto, Salsabila Husna, Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru 29-36
Effect of Temperature and CaCO3 Concentration on the CO2 Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel in Seawater PDF
Zaenal Arifin, Yoyok Cahyono, Sri Yani Purwaningsih, Suasmoro Suasmoro, Zainul Asrori 37-41

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