Population density in urban areas has implications for the limited availability of green open space. Green open space has an important role in maintaining the quality of the environment and the health of the people living in the area. For this reason, an indicator in the form of Ground Surface Temperature is needed to determine the distribution and adequacy of green open space in a certain area. Continuous ground surface temperature data can then be used as the basis for the development and management of green open space. Ground Surface Temperature can be obtained by recording meteorological data using a weather station. However, the data obtained are limited in number and spatial distribution. So that the use of satellite imagery with thermal sensors becomes a solution to get Ground Surface Temperature with a wide area coverage. In this study, the analysis of temperature changes was carried out in the city of Surabaya using the Landsat 8 TIRS data from August 5 2018 to September 12 2018.The results of the Ground Surface Temperature estimation using the Single-Channel Algorithm (SCA) method were then validated with the temperature recorded at the Juanda Weather Station (BMKG Juanda) and ITS Automatic Weather Station (ITS PWS). In the period 5 August 2018 to 12 September 2018, the maximum, minimum and average of Ground Surface Temperature in Surabaya is 36oC, 20oC and 27oC. There is a difference in temperature between LST and BMKG Juanda of ± 0.11oC (11 August 2018) and ± 0.34oC (12 September 2018). While the temperature difference between LST and PWS ITS is ± 0.88oC (11 August 2018) and ± 3.22oC (12 September 2018). The results of the correlation test between SPT data with BMKG Juanda and PWS ITS showed a very strong correlation between the two data (R = 87%).
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