Identifikasi Fitur Dasar Laut Menggunakan Data Multibeam Echosounder (Studi Kasus: Perairan Utara Papua)
Indonesia is a country that has vast sea territory with varied topograph. The topographic identification process requires the latest technology and knowledge. To be able to identify the existence of seabed features, research is needed using acoustic technology in the form of a multibeam echosounder so that models of underwater conditions can be made. This detailed mapping of the seabed is possible to produce a clearer underwater topographic picture. In this study, identification was carried out regarding the existence of undersea mountains in Papua's northern ocean. The data used in this study came from a bathymetry survey using the multibeam echosounder produced by the Badan Informasi Geospapsial (BIG) in collaboration with the Badan Pengkaji dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) in 2019. The data taken to correct the multibeam echosounder data are SVP (Sound velocity profiler) data. This research was conducted in the northern ocean of Papua which is divided into two locations. Based on the identification, the first location (A) has an area of 57,666 km² with 1,978 meters of height. This object is located at a minimum depth of 1,164 meters and a maximum depth of 3,142 meters. At the second location (B) were found an object with an area of 81,134 km², at a minimum depth of 1,997 meters, a maximum depth of 3,056 meters. The height of this object is 1,059 meters. Based on the results these two objects have more than 1,000 meters of height, thus the object can be categorized as an undersea mountain or seamount.
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