Pemanfaatan Data LiDAR dan Foto Udara untuk Pemodelan Kota Tiga Dimensi (Studi Kasus: Wilayah Surabaya Barat)
The need for three-dimensional geospatial information (3D) for urban areas is very important considering the city as a center of activity with a large number of buildings and infrastructure and has the characteristics of multi-object geospatial data, multi-structure and various types (heterogeneity). 3D geospatial data visualization information can be used as a basis for decision making related to the sustainability of planning, construction, and operational infrastructure in urban areas. To establish a 3D city model, supporting data such as elevation, building footprint, vegetation point, and road network are needed. The data can be obtained from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and aerial photography. LiDAR is used for height information and aerial photography is used to model the roof. One method that can be applied to create three-dimensional cities is the semi-automatic method. This method models the entire city using a system to grow the network. The network can be set up in minutes with the automation process but if the user wants to modify, it can be done manually. The results obtain five types of roofs at the study site, namely the gable, hip, flat, dome, and mansard. The dominant roof types are flat, gable, and hip types. While the type of dome and mansard is only as a supplement. Regarding the level of difficulty, a high-rise apartment is a type of building that is difficult to model. The next difficulty of roof modelling is housing then settlement. The difficulty level is determined based on the complexity of the roof of each building. Errors occuring in modeling come from less or more roof segmentation. This can be overcome by repeating the segmentation of the roof using aerial photographs. The accuracy of the geometry accuracy of circumference is 0.92 m from 2 m. The error of area geometry is about 0.34%, with error tolerance of 2%. While the accuracy of the level of detail (LOD) 2 is 86.07%, with a tolerance of 85%. This reveals that the model provided by this study can be accepted.
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