Visualisasi Spasial dan Basis Data Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) (Studi Kasus : Desa Bener, Madiun)
Madiun Regency is one of the districts in Indonesia with a population density with a population of 673 inhabitants per hectare. One of the villages in Madiun Regency is Bener Village with a high population density of 1,376 people per km2 (1). With a high enough population, a more efficient UN withdrawal activity is needed. However, PBB withdrawal activities are still carried out manually by the Bener Village Office (2). Therefore a capacity is needed in compiling a systematic PBB database so that it can be used in computerization to increase effectiveness. As a role that needs to be done to interpret the existence of a land function maximally from a spatial perspective, this study aims to visualize the status or condition of the PBB related to the obligations of taxpayers, especially to provide information about payable taxes to facilitate the management of PBB collection. The information needed to view objects with PBB value must take precedence for the billing.
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