Elementary Algorithmic Methods for Solving Suguru Puzzles

Butrahandisya Butrahandisya, Muhammad Arzaki, Gia Septiana Wulandari


We discuss elementary algorithmic aspects of the Suguru puzzle---a single-player paper-and-pencil puzzle introduced in 2001 and confirmed NP-complete in 2022. We propose a backtracking algorithm with pruning optimizations for solving an $m \times n$ Suguru puzzles containing $R$ regions and $H$ hint cells in $O(R \cdot (mn-H+2)!)$ time. Despite this factorial asymptotic upper bound, a C++ implementation of our proposed algorithm successfully solved all Suguru instances with no more than $100$ cells using a personal computer in less than $0.5$ second. We also prove that any Suguru instance of size $m \times n$ with either $m = 1$ or $n = 1$ can be solved in linear time in terms of the puzzle size. Finally, we provide an upper bound for the number of solutions to such tractable instances.


asymptotic analysis; backtracking; Suguru puzzle; tractable subproblems

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24775401.v10i1.17249


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