Teachers’ Attitude towards Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Hermanto Hermanto



The Covid-19 pandemic has caused nearly all education services of any level to shift to a new way of teaching and learning activities, namely e-learning. Despite its immense potential for delivering and managing courses, the implementation of e-learning requires serious preparation in terms of infrastructure, knowledge, and mentality of the users. This article aims to describe the teachers’ attitude towards online learning during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. There were 71 teachers with different demographic backgrounds from different state and private education levels in several parts of Indonesia voluntarily participating in the self-administered survey using online google form. Data were quantitatively calculated using SPSS-23 and presented in the form of charts. The results showed that 64.8% of the institution the teachers worked provided online facilities, but 73.2% of the respondent still used their own additional media. 52.1% of the respondent did not feel have problems with online learning, but 23.9% were happy teaching in online mode. Moreover, 22.5% of respondents agreed and 16.9% strongly agreed that online teaching must be implemented in addition to conventional mode after the Covid-19 pandemic is over.


teachers’ attitude; online learning; e-learning; Covid-19

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j29649714.v1i1.8208


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