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Author Guidelines

Corresponding Author
Please, report clearly who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication. Make sure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address. Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors.
Three type of manuscripts are accepted:
- Regular Papers - four to fifteen Review pages
- Letter to the Editor - one or less Review page
- Research notes - three or less Review pages
We accepts papers in Microsoft Word (.doc) electronic form only.
Please note that papers must be correctly formatted in order to be accepted.
Formatting instructions can be found in the following Word template and must be strictly followed.
Papers should be written in English and submitted in the final camera-ready form. It is mandatory to submit your original work in Microsoft Word format (.DOC) by using our online manuscript submission system. We will do the final formatting and all necessary format conversions of your paper.
You have to go to the "Online Submission" and upload your paper by using the online interface. All subsequent versions should be uploaded by using the same paper ID and your defined password.
Order of Manuscript
The manuscript should be presented in the following order.
Title Page
This should contain the title of the contribution and the names and addresses of the authors. The full postal address, e-mail address, telephone and facsimile number of the author who will receive correspondence and check the proofs should be included.
Running Head
The running head or short title is the shortened version of your manuscript title. Not only does this help identifying your manuscript during the evaluation process, it also acts as the manuscript title on the journal homepage providing information at a glance for people who are reading the journal.
All manuscripts must include a brief but informative Abstract. It should not exceed 300 words and should describe the scope, hypothesis or rationale for the work and the main findings. The abstract should allow the reader to quickly have a clear idea about the rational for the work, the experiments conducted and the results of those experiments before reading the rest of the manuscript. Both common and scientific names should be included; the authorities are not given if they appear in the title. References to the literature and mathematical symbols/equations should not be included.
Key words (3-5) should be provided below the Abstract to assist with indexing of the article.
The Introduction should briefly indicate the objectives of the study and provide enough background information to clarify why the study was undertaken and what hypotheses were tested.
Materials and Methods
This section should be concise but provide sufficient detail of the material used and equipment and the procedure followed to allow the work to be repeated by others.
Results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. Repetitive presentation of the same data in tables and figures should be avoided. The results should not contain material appropriate to the Discussion. All tables, graphs, statistical analyses and sample calculations should be presented in this section.
The results should be discussed in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the Introduction. Comment on results and indicate possible sources of error. Place the study in the context of other work reported in the literature. Only in exceptional cases should the "Results and Discussion" sections be combined. Refer to graphs, tables and figures by number. This helps tie the data into the text in a very effective manner. Authors should also take future research and limitations into account in the Discussion section.
The main conclusions of the experimental work should be presented. The contribution of the work to the scientific community and its economic implications should be emphasized.
The source of financial support must be acknowledged. Authors must declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest in the covering letter submitted with the manuscript. Technical assistance may also be acknowledged.
Funding Information
The authors should acknowledge the funders of this manuscript and provide all necessary funding information.
Author Contributions
Authors are required to include a statement of responsibility in the manuscript that specifies the contribution of every author. The level of detail varies; some disciplines produce manuscripts that comprise discrete efforts readily articulated in detail, whereas other fields operate as group efforts at all stages.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when judgment regarding the research is influenced by factors such as financial gain or personal relationships. All authors are required to disclose any financial, personal or other associations that may influence or be perceived to influence, their work.
It is the Authors responsibility to ensure that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. Only published and "in press" references should appear in the reference list.
Tables should be self-contained and the data should not be duplicated in figures. Tables should be numbered consecutively. Each table should be presented on a separate page with a comprehensive but concise legend above the table. Tables should be double-spaced and vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses. All abbreviations should be defined in footnotes. Use superscript letters (not numbers) for footnotes and keep footnotes to a minimum. *, **, *** should be reserved for P values.
Only necessary illustrations should be included. All illustrations (line drawings and photographs) are classified as figures. Figures should be cited in consecutive order in the text. Figures should be sized to fit within the column or the full text width. Line figures should be supplied as sharp, black and white or color diagrams, drawn with a computer graphics package. Photographs should be sharp and magnifications should be indicated on photographs using a scale bar. Graphics should be supplied as high-resolution (at least 300 d.p.i.) electronic files. Digital images supplied as low-resolution cannot be used and will not be accepted. The legend should incorporate definitions of any symbols used and all abbreviations and units of measurement should be explained so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text.
Abbreviation and Units
SI units as outlined in the latest edition of Units, symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors (Royal Society of Medicine Press, London), should be used wherever possible. Statistics and measurements should always be given in figures; except where the number begins the sentence. When the number does not refer to a unit measurement, it is spelt out, except where the number is greater than nine. Use only standard abbreviations. The word Figure should be shortened to Fig. unless starting a sentence.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The Authors declare under their own responsibility to have read and agree the Ethical Guidelines for authors and state that the proposed manuscript fulfills with all the Criteria for Ethical publication.
The Authors declare to be aware of the sanctions imposed by Praise Worthy Prize in case of documented violations of the Ethical policies and duties.
The Authors declare that none of the following abuse was committed in preparation of the manuscript:
- Redundant publication
- Improper changes or assignment of Authorship
- Conflict of interest
- Plagiarism
- Citation manipulation
- Data fabrication
- The Authors declare to be aware that if one of the abuses above listed is proven after the payment of the publication fee, this last will be not refunded and the manuscript will be not published, according to our ethical guidelines, besides the sanctions already provided in the specific case.
The Authors declare that all of the following requirements and duties have been fulfilled in preparation of the manuscript: - Authorship assignment and acknowledgment
- Originality of the manuscript
- Acknowledgment of sources
- Absence of conflict of interest
- Proper approval of research on uman or animal subjects
- Notify errors in a published manuscript
- Reporting standards
- The Author also warrants that the Work contains no libellous or unlawful statements, does not infringe on the right or privacy of others, or contain material or instructions that might cause harm or injury.
- All the Authors agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Praise Worthy Prize, its officers, directors, employers, agents, and any of its affiliates for any loss or damage (including legal fees) caused to Praise Worthy Prize for the publication of the submitted article.
Copyright Notice

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Articles published in IJMEIR are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0). You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. However, these things are allowed to be done under terms according to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The authors who submit the article in the International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research (IJMEIR), agree to the following terms:
- The authors retain the copyright of the article, without restrictions. A non-exclusive license is granted to IJMEIR to publish the article and identify itself as its original publisher, along with the commercial right to include the article in a hardcopy issue for sale to libraries and individuals.
- By publishing in IJMEIR, authors grant any third party the right to use their article to the extent provided by the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license
- The authors can enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book) by including the acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
Read more about the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence here:
Privacy Statement
Privacy Policy and Journal Approval
Data collected from registered and unregistered users of this journal fall within the scope of the standard functions of peer-reviewed journals. This includes information that allows communication for the editorial process; this is used to inform readers about authorship and editing of content; enables aggregate data collection on reader behaviour, as well as tracking geopolitical and social elements of scientific communication.
The journal editorial team uses this data to guide its work in publishing and improving this journal. Data that will assist in developing this publishing platform can be shared with developers in an anonymous and aggregate form, with appropriate exceptions such as article metrics. Data will not be sold by this journal or publisher or used for purposes other than those stated herein. The authors published in this journal are responsible for the human subject data described in the research reported here.
Those involved in editing this journal endeavour to comply with industry standards for data privacy, including the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) for "data subject rights" which include (a) breach notifications; (B) access rights; (c) the right to be forgotten; (D) data portability; and (e) privacy based on design. The GDPR also allows for the recognition of "the public interest in the availability of data," which has certain saliency for those involved in maintaining, with integrity possible, public records of scientific publishing.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article submission, review and online publication after accepted: 100.00 (USD)
IJMEIR is an open acces journal. Article submission, review and publication charge in IJMEIR online version is 100 USD for Foreigner or 1,000,000.- IDR for Indonesian. The charge is per article after accepted with maximum 10 pages.
Abstracted / Indexed by:
P-ISSN: 2541-5972
E-ISSN: 2548-1479

IJMEIR journal published by Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Indonesia under licenced Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence. Based on