Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Using Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil with Cetane Number Improver

Suardi Suardi, Faisal Mahmuddin, Syerly Klara, Muhdar Tasrief, Muhammad Uswah Pawara, Hijriah Hijriah, Muhammad Reza Fachrul Jaya


The depletion of fossil fuel reserves has led to a global energy crisis, with increasing demand for alternative energy sources. Diesel fuel shortages, especially in countries like Indonesia, have driven the exploration of biodiesel as a sustainable alternative. This study aims to convert waste cooking oil (WCO) into biodiesel, with the addition of a cetane number improver (CNI) to enhance its performance in diesel engines. The biodiesel was produced through methanolysis, and 2-Ethylhexyl Nitrate (EHN) was added to improve combustion and reduce engine knocking. The results show that the produced biodiesel had a density of 856 Kg/m³ for B0, 872.7 Kg/m³ for B0 with CNI, and 872.1 Kg/m³ for B50CN. Viscosity values were 2.32 cSt for B0, 5.645 cSt for B50, and 4.722 cSt for B50CN. The cetane index was 49.2 for B50 and B50CN, while B0 had a value of 48. The emissions measured included CO levels of 194 mg/Nm³ for B0, 254 mg/Nm³ for B50, and 280 mg/Nm³ for B50CN. NOx emissions were 852 mg/Nm³ for B0, 755 mg/Nm³ for B50, and 825 mg/Nm³ for B50CN. Oxygen content was 15.9% for B0, 14.9% for B50, and 16.2% for B50CN. The findings indicate that adding EHN to WCO biodiesel improves fuel properties but increases emissions of CO and NOx. Overall, WCO-based biodiesel with EHN is a viable alternative fuel that balances performance improvements with environmental considerations.


Biodiesel; Waste Cooking Oil; Cetane Number Improver; Diesel Engine Performance; Emission

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