Vol 1, No 2 (2017)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j2580-0914.v1i2

Table of Contents


Editor of IJOCE
Editor of IJOCE
Editor of IJOCE


The Influence of Slopes to the Stability of Stones in front of Seawall PDF
Haryo Dwito Armono, Danny Indra Setyawan, Muhammad Zikra 50-55
Analysis of Configuration of Stinger Angle with Depth Variation During Installation On Pipe Diamater 20" in Banyu Urip, Bojonegoro PDF
Imam Rochani, Juniavi Dini Kumala Putri, Handayanu Handayanu 56-63
Analysis of the Effect of Welding Sequence Variations on Residual Stresses and Distortions for Welding Pressure Vessels Structures at PT. Petrokimia Gresik using the Finite Element Method PDF
Nur Syahroni, Bayu Iman Fatkurokhim, Handayanu Handayanu 64-69
The Study of Tandem Offloading Performance and Operability on The Cylindrical Hull FPSO Sevan Stabilized Platform with Variation in Mooring System Configuration PDF
Eko Budi Djatmiko, Jousie Rebecca, Murdjito Murdjito 70-78
Impact of Reclamation Development on Sedimentation and Current Pattern in East Coast Surabaya (Pamurbaya) PDF
Suntoyo Suntoyo, Mohammad Iqbal Hidayah, Hasan Ikhwani 79-85
Prelimenary Modeling for Assessing Tidal Stream Energy Potential at the Alas Strait, Indonesia PDF
Mukhtasor Mukhtasor, Luli Bangkit Sugito, Sujantoko Sujantoko 86-93
Risk Analysis on Leakage Failures of Pipelines Using Hybrid Risk Analysis Method PDF
Daniel Mohammad Rosyid, Bassam Muhammad Drehem, Agro Wisudawan 94-99
Analitical Study of Vertical and Lateral Buckling on Pipeline Using Hobbs Method PDF
Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo, Muhammad Makki Romadhoni, Herman Pratikno 100-107


Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah LPPM Instutut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Department of Ocean Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS - Sukolilo
Surabaya 60111 - Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62-31-592 8105
e-mail: ijoce@its.ac.id


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