Vol 8, No 1 (2024)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j25800914.v8i1

Table of Contents


Cover PDF
Editor of IJOCE
Editorial Team PDF
Editor of IJOCE
Content PDF
Editor of IJOCE


Padeye Strength Analysis of Topside Offloading Platform due to Loadout Using Lifting Method PDF
Ilham Kharisma Prayoga, Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo, Handayanu Handayanu 1-5
Analysis of the Effect of Infrastructure System at Kendari New Port Terminal on Container Customer Satisfaction Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Method PDF
Fadel Muhammad, Tia Natalia, Tri Achmadi 6-11
Factors in an Effort to Acquire the Efficiency of the Cargo Compartment Design on Tankers PDF
Ardi Nugroho Yulianto, Teguh Putranto, - Hasanudin, Abdullah Taufiq Akbar Siregar, Muhammad Ikbal Normawan, Raybonda Reinaldi Winarko, Adrian Rahmanto Putra, Noor Virliantarto, Good Year Surya Nusantara 12-16
Evaluation of International Shipping Alliance: A Case Study of Transport Capacity and Cost Efficiency Influence the Quality of Cooperation Inter-Country Using Discriminant Analysis PDF
Tia Natalia, Fadel Muhammad, Tri Achmadi 17-22
Analysis of Sling Tension on the Lifting Process of Riser Support Jacket on Installation Phase PDF
Rifki Mahardi, Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo, Rudi Walujo Prastianto 23-30
Short Circuit Analysis due to Reconfiguration of AC to DC Electric Power System on Tanker Ship with Hybrid Energy Source PDF
Adi Kurniawan, Arialdi Almonda, Sardono Sarwito 31-34
Analysis of the Effect of Sinker on Bearing Capacity of Anchor in Calm Buoy Mooring System: Case Study of SBM Pengapon Semarang PDF
Murdjito Murdjito, Eko Budi Djatmiko, Agnes Teresa Melani 35-43
Risk Analysis of Equipment Loss During Marine Survey Operation by Integrating Fault Tree to Bayesian Network PDF
Dwitya Harits Waskito, Ahmad Muhtadi, Dimas Fajar Prasetyo, Indra Kurniawan, Dwi Haryanto, Adi Slamet Riyadi 44-52
Analysis of Constraints in Implementing Inaportnet at Sorong Port Class 1 PDF
Arief Nashrul Firdani, Heri Supomo 53-58


Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah LPPM Instutut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Department of Ocean Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS - Sukolilo
Surabaya 60111 - Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62-31-592 8105
e-mail: ijoce@its.ac.id


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