Center for Scientific Publication

Center for Scientific Publication is a website that host all academic journals published by department, faculty, research center, or academic community within Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This website is meant as a media to communicate between researchers and publish recent result of advance researches.

Please contact us for order or further information at: email:  Editorial Office Address: Research Center Building 5th floor, ITS campus, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia.

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Indonesian Journal of Development Studies

1The Indonesian Journal of Development Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary medium for critical research and reflection on the complex problems of development theory, policy and practice. The IJDS publishes articles and review essays. The Journal aims to keep readers informed with occasional commentaries, practical notes and reviews of recent books and other media on development. The IJDS is global in its outlook and encourages contributions from scholars and practitioners around the world.

The IJDS is edited at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Indonesia. Editorial administration is housed at Research and Community Service Institute at the same university. The IJDS is published in collaboration with Indonesian Development Studies Consortium with support from its Department of Development studies members in Institut Teknologi Bandung, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Universitas Andalas, and Universitas Sumatra Utara.

Submissions are invited in English. We welcome theoretical papers, particularly if they offer thought-provoking interdisciplinary analysis; preference is given, however, to articles based on empirical research, case studies, or fieldwork that has significant implications for development policy and practice.

Editorial Address: Indonesian Journal of Development Studies (IJDS) Gedung S Kampus ITS Keputih Sukolilo Surabaya 60111 Office Phone 62-31-5943686 Mobile +62818371702

E-ISSN: 2964-9714

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Indonesian Journal of Geomatics

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Print ISSN: 0216-308X e-ISSN: 2721-3862

Inferensi is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal publishing advanced results in the fields of statistics and data science, as mentioned explicitly in the scope of the journal. The journal is geared toward the dissemination of original research and practical contributions by both scientists and engineers, from both academia and industry.

Inferensi is published by the Department of Statistics ITS in cooperation with Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT). This journal publishes three issues a year in March, July, and November. Inferensi has been accredited by the Ministry of Education Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia based on Decree 152/E/KPT/2023 as Sinta 2 started from Vol.6 No. 1 (2023).

Abstracted & Indexed in:


Peer Review Policy:

All submitted manuscripts are checked first by the Editor-in-chief whether the manuscript falls under the scope of the journal. If the manuscript fits within the scope, then the formal peer review process is conducted by the editorial board members. The manuscript will be forwarded to be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The authors and reviewers are encouraged to use the electronic submission and peer-review system.

Article Submission:

All papers submitted to the journal must be written in English and formatted in the 1-column format using the Microsoft Word template below:

Layout Template

ISSN:  0216-308X  e-ISSN: 2721-3862

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International Journal of Actuarial Science

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International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research

The International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research (IJMEIR) is an open-access journal, which means that visitors around the world can publish, read, download, quote, and distribute papers published in this journal for free. The IJMEIR journal has accredited SINTA 2. The IJMEIR journal has a lot of visitors, broad impact and quite high citations. IJMEIR adopts a peer-review model, which guarantees fast publishing and convenient delivery. IJMEIR cordially invites you to contribute or recommend quality papers to us. This journal directs at the dissemination of original innovations, research and practical contributions by scientists and engineers, both from academia and industry: thesis, dissertations, research papers, and reviews related to all aspects of marine engineering.

IJMEIR publishes four issues per year in March, June, September, December.

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International Journal of Offshore and Coastal Engineering (IJOCE)

International Journal of Offshore and Coastal Engineering (IJOCE) e-ISSN: 2580-0914 is an academic journal on the issues related to offshore, coastal and ship science, engineering and technology. Published once every 6 months in May and November. It is open to all engineers, scientists, researchers, students, practitioners and other scholars to publish any technical and scientific paper in IJOCE.


Indexing by:


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IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series

IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series publishes is a journal that contains research work presented in conferences organized by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. ISSN: 2354-6026. The First publication in 2013 year from all of full paper in International Conference on Aplied Technology, Science, and Art (APTECS). It publish one time a year after the held of APTECS event.

Outer Cover of International Conference on Aplied Technology, Science, and Art (APTECS) could be downloaded here

Inner cover of International Conference on Aplied Technology, Science, and Art (APTECS) could be downloaded here

The Manusript Template for IPTEK Proceedings Series could be downloaded here. 



Welcome to IPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series

ISSN: 2354-6026


IPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series is a journal containing research results presented at a conference organized by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. We would like to invite you to contribute in the research results presented at the conference for publication in IPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series.


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IPTEK Journal of Science

IPTEK Jounal of Science (E-ISSN: 2337-8530) is an academic journal on the issued related to natural science, mathematics, and statistics. Published actually in March, June, September, and December. It is open to all scientist, researchers, education practitioners, and other scholar. Therefore this journal welcomes to various topics that have recieved by Proffesors and Doctors specifying on related studies, and they come from reputable universities all over Indonesia and universities abroad.


Please contact us for order or further information at: email: or Fax/Telp: 031 5992945 Editorial Office Address: LPPM Baru ITS Building 3rd floor, ITS campus, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia.

The Template for IPTEK Journal of Science could be downloaded here



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IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science

IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science (eISSN: 2088-2033; Print ISSN:0853-4098), is an academic journal that published original research articles related to natural science and technology that relevant for industries and communities in developing countries. Published annually in March, August, and November. It is open to all scientists, researchers, education practitioners, and other scholars. Therefore this journal welcomes various topics that focusing on current issues faced by industries, governments, or communities in developing countries.

IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science has been re-accredited by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Highger Education (200/M/KPT/2020) as Sinta-2 started from Vol. 31 No. 1 (2020). 


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IPTEK The Journal of Engineering

IPTEK The Journal of Engineering (p-ISSN: 2337-8557, e-ISSN:2807-5064) is an academic journal on the issues related to engineering and technology published by Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. IPTEK The Journal of Engineering published first time in August 2014, from 2014-2018 (Volume 1-4) published three issues annually, and 2019 published two issues annually. Since 2023 IPTEK The Journal of Engineering regularly published three issues annually in April, August, and December.

IPTEK The Journal of Engineering has been indexed by Google ScholarGARUDA, and also has been accredited by SINTA 4.

IPTEK The Journal of Engineering is also collaborating with FPTVI LSP (Forum Perguruan Tinggi Vokasi Indonesia Asosiasi Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi), MIA (Pusat Unggulan IPTEK Mechatronics and Industrial Automation), and APTIMOR (Aktor Penyedia Teknologi Industri Mekatronika, Otomasi dan Robotika) in terms of sharing knowledge in Journal Management and Publishing. 

It is open to all scientist, researchers, education practitioners, and other scholars. Therefore this journal welcomes various topics in different engineering disciplines. Our target is to reach all universities, research centers and institutes worldwide.

Call for Papers

IPTEK The Journal of Engineering is an open-access journal, which means that visitors all over the world could read, download, cite, and distribute papers published in this journal for free. We adopt a peer-review model, which insured fast publishing and convenient submission. In addition to peer-reviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, state-of-the-art reviews and communications in the broadly defined field of engineering science and technology. Theses, dissertations, research papers, and reviews are all acceptable for publication.

All topics should relevant to the issues faced by industries, governments, and communities. The broad-based topics may be covered by the following knowledge areas:

Computer Engineering and Information Systems (Telematics, Algorithms and Programming, Network Based Computing, Smart Computing and Vision, Intelligent Information Management, Computer Architecture and Networking, Applied Modeling and Computing, Graphics Interaction and Games, Software engineering, Information Technology Infrastructure and Security, Information Systems Management, Data Engineering and Business Intelligence, Data Acquisition and Information Dissemination, Enterprise System, and Smart Cities and Cyber Security)

Civil Infrastructure Engineering (Hydrotechnics and Surveying, Construction Implementation Management, Building Materials and Structures, and Transportation and Geotechnics)

Mechanical Engineering (Energy Convertion, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mechanical Design, and Manufacture)

Electrical Engineering Automation (Cyber Physical, Automation, and Industrial Robots, Programmable Logic Controller and Control System, Antennas and Propagation, Instrumentation, Measurement and Power System Identification, Multimedia Telecommunications Network, Multimedia Communication, Electric Energy Conversion, Electric Power System Simulation, High voltage, System and Cybernetics, Microelectronics and Embedded Systems, Biocybernetics, Instrumentation and Biomedical Signal Processing, Multimedia Computing and Machine Intelligence, and Digital Signal Processing)

Chemical Engineering (Applied Chemistry, Biochemical and Bioprocess, Advance Functional Materials and Analysis, Thermodynamic, Chemical Reaction, Material and Nanocomposite, Bioenergy, Wastewater Treatment, Process Integration, Fluid Mechanic, and Sustainable Industrial Systems)

Instrumentation Engineering (Control Instrumentation, Measurement Instrumentation, Photonic Engineering, Vibration and Acoustics, and Embedded Systems and Physical Cyber)

Business Statistics (Business Analytic, and Quality and Productivity Engineering)

And physical, chemical, biological, and environmental sciences that are directly related to engineering.

Please click here to submit your paper.

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