Kajian Perilaku Sehat Pelanggan Restoran di saat Pandemi Studi Kasus : Restoran Cepat Saji di Surabaya
Kajian hubungan antara setting fisik dan perilaku manusia yang ada di dalamnya cukup banyak dilakukan. Penelitian-penelitian tersebut banyak bermanfaat dalam menyusun desain arsitektur atau pun lingkungan binaan lainnya. Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu yang mengkaji hubungan kedua aspek tersebut telah banyak dilakukan di ruang-ruang publik, dan dengan setting beragam termasuk diantaranya adalah ruang publik restoran. Namun demikian kebanyakan penelitian tersebut dilakukan dalam situasi normal. Penelitian ini mengkaji hubungan setting fisik restoran dan perilaku sehat pelanggannya saat situasi new normal pasca pandemi covid-19 melanda Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh setting fisik restoran terhadap perilaku sehat pelanggan. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif pada tiga buah restoran yang berada di kota Surabaya pada periode bulan Mei hingga Juni 2020. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi langsung di ketiga restoran tersebut, dan dilakukan saat restoran sedang beroperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan cenderung lebih disiplin dalam berperilaku sehat saat berada di restoran yang menyediakan fasilitas protokol kesehatan secara lengkap, yaitu: fasilitas atau peralatan cuci tangan, signage yang jelas, dan setting perabot sesuai jarak sosial. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa peran petugas yang memandu pengunjung untuk tetap konsisten mematuhi protokol kesehatan sangat dominan.
Kata kunci: Covid-19; Perilaku Sehat; Restoran
Studies on correlation between physical setting and human behavior have been done many times. These studies have been useful in the making of architectural design and other built environment. Previous studies on the correlation of those two aspects have been done in public spaces with various settings, one of which is in restaurants. However, those studies were done in normal situation before Covid-19 pandemic. This study looks into the correlation between restaurants physical setting and visitors' health behavior in time of covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The purpose is to find out the impact of restaurant physical setting on visitors' health behavior. This study was done in qualitative descriptive manner on three restaurants in Surabaya in May to July 2020. The method that was used is direct observation in the three restaurants. Observation was done when the restaurants were working. The result shows that visitors's tend to be more disciplined in term of health behavior when the restaurant provides complete health facilities, such as: washbasin or any other handwashing facility, clear signage, and furniture settings according to safe social distance. The study also shows that attendants play dominant role to make sure visitors' obey the safe and health protocol.
Keyword: Covid-19; Health Behavior; Restaurant
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j12345678.v5i2.7833
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