The Use of Dirac Oscillator as Medium Substrate for Quantum Heat Engine

Heru Sukamto, Bintoro Anang Subagyo, Agus Purwanto


The research on Dirac oscillators has been increasing recently. In this paper, a quantum heat engine by means of a Dirac oscillator that interacts with the external magnetic field is proposed. Relativistic Landau energy levels are used to perform the iso-energetic cycle. The large magnetic field is set to obtain a perfect thermodynamic cycle. Some stable performances at a certain magnitude of magnetic field and expansion parameter range are obtained. When the value of efficiency is compared with the non-relativistic case, an opposite result occurs. Therefore, a quantum heat engine using a Dirac oscillator doesn’t govern like a classical oscillator.


Dirac Oscillator; Quantum Heat Engine; Iso-energetic Cycle

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