
Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management


Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022                                       (e) ISSN 2656-8896  (P) ISSN 2656-890X

JIFAM, Vol.4, Issue 2, August 2022

Comparison of Embankment Reinforcement Requirements with Geotextile on Soft Soil with 2D and 3D Slope Stability Analysis Methods

  Nur Arfiati Shoffiana, Yudhi Lastiasih & Trihanyndio Rendy Satrya

      Evaluation of Smart Mobility Indicators in Responding COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

             Shanty Y. Rachmat & Ganesha G. Mangkoesoebroto

Geotechnical Mapping for Soil Physical and Mechanical Parameters and Hard Soil Depth in  Badung Regency

            Zefira Wisna Maulidha, Trihanyndio Rendy Satrya & Yudhi Lastiasih

      Evaluating COVID-19 Transmission Prevention Measures in Public Rental Flats (Rusunawa)

            Rosyidah ‘Adilah, Prananda Navitas

The adequacy of Public Bus Fleet during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case of The Transjakarta Corridor 1 DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)

             Amanda Dian W.Kusumawardani, Ibnu Syabri, Fika Novitasari & Naya C. Drestalita



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