
Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management


Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management

Volume 5, Issue 1, April 2024                                       (e) ISSN 2656-8896  (P) ISSN 2656-890X


JIFAM, Vol.5, Special Issue 1, February 2023

The Dynamics of State-Owned Assets Insurance Regulation Drafting from Regulation Theory Lens
      Fakhri Nurfaiz & Taufik Raharjo

Alternative of Soil Improvement Methods on Organic Soil Using Preloading and Vertical Piles for Embankment with Varied Heights. Case Study: Construction of Batanjung Port Access Road in Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan
      Dedy Manudianto, Noor Endah & Hardy Pangihutan Siahaan

JIFAM, Vol.4, Issue 2, August 2022

Comparison of Embankment Reinforcement Requirements with Geotextile
on Soft Soil with 2D and 3D Slope Stability Analysis Methods
      Nur Arfiati Shoffiana, Yudhi Lastiasih & Trihanyndio Rendy Satrya

Evaluation of Smart Mobility Indicators in Responding COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
      Shanty Y. Rachmat & Ganesha G. Mangkoesoebroto

Geotechnical Mapping for Soil Physical and Mechanical Parameters and
Hard Soil Depth in Badung Regency
      Zefira Wisna Maulidha, Trihanyndio Rendy Satrya & Yudhi Lastiasih

The Physical Integration of Smart Transportation Characteristics of Suroboyo Bus and the Feeder
      Cindy Nur Aziza Rahman, Eko Budi Santoso & Siti Nurlaela

The Adequacy of Public Bus Fleet During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case of The Transjakarta Corridor 1 DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)
      Amanda Dian W.Kusumawardani, Ibnu Syabri, Fika Novitasari & Naya C. Drestalita



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