Smart Economy Policy Strategy For Coastal Areas Through Economic Base Analysis

Suning Suning, Djoko Adi Waluyo, Oktavia Maryani Meo


Smart economy is intended to improve the business cycle, a flexible economy, able to compete globally, generate added value, knowledge, innovation, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, and green economic growth. The implementation of a smart economy is important, supported by the development of the basic economic sector that already exists in an area. The existence of a basic sector shows that the region can meet the needs of its own sector. A strategic and intelligent effort is needed in developing the economic potential of the base. Aesesa District as a coastal area in Nagekeo Regency has many basic sectors that can be developed. This study aims to identify the basic economy as a smart economy policy strategy for coastal Aesesa District. The research method used is descriptive quantitative-qualitative, with Location-Quotient analysis techniques, Klassen Tipology and Process hierarchy analysis (PHA). Primary data collection is done by documentation and interviews with selected respondents, while secondary data is obtained from the relevant agencies. The results showed that the agricultural sector, electricity & clean water and communication, and food crops, livestock, fisheries, electricity, clean water, hotels and restaurants, sea transportation, transportation support services, banks, corporate services, entertainment, and cultural services were the base sector with a value of LQ>1. Classification Klassen typology shows as fast-growing & fast-growing areas and developed but depressed areas. Thus, the implications of the policies carried out for the development of the leading sub-sectors are to carry out various innovations in the existing base sector, increase the value of the existing base sector so as not to decrease and always promote the base sector so that it has high added value.


Aesesa District, Coastal area, Economic Base Sector, Klassen Tipology, Smart Economy

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