Selecting The Best Route for Aerial Ladder Truck to Speed Up Response Time in High-Rise Buildings Located in Unprotected and High Fire Risk Areas

I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, Putu Gde Ariastita, Fendy Firmansyah, Faradhyba Rizky Ramadhana


Fire outbreaks on high-rise buildings require specific techniques and equipment; one of such equipment is aerial ladder trucks. Firefighters in aerial ladder trucks must ideally arrive at the location of the fire within the ideal response time constraint in the context of fire emergency management to minimize collateral damage, be it of human lives or properties. This study aims to discover the best route traversable by aerial ladder trucks to achieve the ideal response time should a fire occur in high-rise buildings, particularly stated buildings located within unprotected and high fire risk areas in Sidoarjo Regency. The best routes were selected through a simulation using the closest facility in GIS Network Analyst based on proximal distance and travel time. The study results show that the aerial ladder trucks can traverse the recommended routes to the high-rise buildings within the ideal response time. However, the majority of these results only occur during off-peak hours. Hence, the addition of new fire stations, whose locations are within 5 km of the high-rise buildings, and the improvement or addition of street networks as an alternative to increase the fulfillment of the ideal response time of aerial ladder trucks, especially during peak hours, are recommended.


Closest Facility, Fire, GIS Network Analyst, High-Rise Building, Response Time

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