Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality on Satisfaction of Visitors of Blitar Agrotourism Using Servqual

Dinu Saadillah, Bambang Syairudin


Blitar kakao agro tourism object is a combination of tourism and cocoa fruit plantations combined into agro-educational tourism to become a destination that is not only interesting to visit but also provides educational values for visitors, especially related to cocoa fruit. In addition, tourism managers must also be able to create satisfaction with visitors, one of which is by providing the best service. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of service quality on visitor satisfaction of Blitar kakao agrotourism. Service quality includes latent tangible variables, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and reliability obtained by standardized regression weights which shows an estimate value for the effect of ServQual variables on visitor satisfaction of 0.88, while the results of regression weights get the value of S.E. amounting to 0.128, C.R. 9,261. Besides that, it can also be seen that the value of p value for the relationship between service quality (ServQual) and visitor satisfaction <0.05 so that it can be concluded that service quality has a significant effect on visitor satisfaction. From the structural method it can also be known which indicators have the most influence on service quality where based on the results of the analysis it is found that the reliability dimension has the most influence from the other four dimensions of service quality. This research model can be said to be feasible and acceptable because it has a GFI value of 0.9, TLI of 0.96 and CFI of 0.98


agro tourism; service quality; visitor satisfaction; ServQual

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