Study of Company X Mineral Water Production System by Using Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Method

Made Urmylla Lyyasintha Sunaya, Nieke Karnaningroem, Mas Agus Mardyanto


Drinking water is human essential need. However, there are so many contaminants contained in drinking water sources. One of the solutions to overcome this issue is using technology to produce clean drinking water which called mineral water. Mineral water industries come to understand that maintaining quality is the fundamental principle to increase sales. One of the mineral water industries in Indonesia is company X. Yet it does not have a thorough management and supervision method to control the product quality. The quality management and supervision method is used only on several aspects of production and after acquiring customer complaints. This emerges the need of company x to form an applicable, comprehensive, and standardized management system. To produce high-quality mineral water, company X can apply HACCP method. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a system used for measuring risks and determine the control system that focused on prevention. There are five primary principles in HACCP method. Accordingly from this analysis, maintaining the unit performance, adding more detailed SOPs, and employee knowledge enhancement are the main focused of HACCP method in company X. Therefore, HACCP is a suitable method to monitor company X production system and increase the product quality


mineral water; management; HACCP method; quality; production system


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