Student Behaviour Analysis To Detect Learning Styles Using Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, And K-Nearest Neighbor Method In Moodle Learning Management System

Santi Tiodora Sianturi, Umi Laili Yuhana


A learning management system (LMS) manages online learning and facilitates inter- action in the teaching and learning processes. Teachers can use LMS to determine student activities or interactions with their courses. Everyone learns uniquely. It is necessary to understand their learning style to apply it in students’ learning activi- ties. One factor contributing to learning success is the use of an appropriate learning style, which allows the information received to be appropriately conveyed and clearly understood. As a result, we require a mechanism to identify learning styles. This study develops a learning style detection system based on learning behavior at the LMS of Christian Vocational School Petra Surabaya for the subject of Network System Administration using the Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, and K-Nearest Neigh- bor. The results of the study showed that the Decision Tree method could better detect and predict learning styles, namely using the 80:20 train split test, which obtained an accuracy of 0.96 process time of 0.000998 seconds, while the K-Fold 10 Cross-Validation test obtained an accuracy of 0.98 and a processing time of 0.04033 seconds.


Decision Tree; K-Nearest Neighbor; Learning Management System; Naïve Bayes; Student Learning Style

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