Analysis of Taxpayer Behavior to Predict Motor Vehicle Tax Payments Using the Weighted Majority Voting Ensemble Approach

Raditia Wahyuwidayat, Ahmad Saikhu, Shintami Chusnul Hidayati


Taxpayer non-compliant behavior impacts Motor Vehicle Tax (MVT) revenues not following the predetermined targets. This behavior results in reduced income, and several regional development targets may not be achieved. Therefore, Regional Governments need to predict MVT payments to formulate future targets better. This research aims to analyze taxpayer behavior in predicting future MVT payments, whether the payments are compliant or late or non-payment. The proposed approach starts by analyzing and obtaining a dataset of taxpayer behavioral features. An ensemble classifier method based on Weighted Majority Voting (WMV) is used to predict payments. WMV was developed using the GridSearchCV technique to find optimal hyperparameter values to increase the model accuracy value for individual classifiers. The weight determined from the model accuracy value is converted into a ranking of the number of votes to maximize model performance. Next, feature ablation analysis is carried out to understand the contribution of each feature to model performance. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated using the confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. The research results show that the WMV method performs better, with an accuracy of 96.247%, compared to the proposed individual classifier method in predicting MVT payments based on taxpayer behavior.


Behavior Analysis, Feature Ablation Analysis, Motor Vehicle Tax, Payment Prediction, Weighted Majority Voting Ensemble


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