IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science (eISSN: 2088-2033; Print ISSN:0853-4098), is an academic journal that published original research articles related to natural science and technology that relevant for industries and communities in developing countries. Published annually in March, August, and November. It is open to all scientists, researchers, education practitioners, and other scholars. Therefore this journal welcomes various topics that focusing on current issues faced by industries, governments, or communities in developing countries.
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science has been re-accredited by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Highger Education (200/M/KPT/2020) as Sinta-2 started from Vol. 31 No. 1 (2020).
This website contained our published journal from the first edition (Volume 1 Number 1, November 1990) until the latest edition with open access full paper content.
From 2014, IPTEK the Journal for Technology and Science publish online three times a year, they are in March, August, and November. The previous printed version, from the first edition (Volume 1) until the Volume 23 (August 2012) are available in editorial office. Please contact us for order or further information at: email: iptekjournal@gmail.com or mjliptek@its.ac.id Fax/Telp: 031 5992945 Editorial Office Address: Gedung Research Center, 6th floor, Room 6.1., Sukolilo ITS Campus, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia.
Call for Papers
IPTEK Journal is an open-access journal, which means that visitors all over the world could read, download, cite, and distribute papers published in this journal for free. Our journal has a vast group of visitors, a far-reaching impact, and a pretty high citation. We adopt a peer-review model, which insured fast publishing and convenient submission. We’re now cordially inviting you to contribute or recommend quality papers to us. Theses, dissertations, research papers, and reviews are all acceptable for publication.
All topics should relevant to the issues faced by industries, governments, and communities in developing countries. The broad-based topics may be covered by the following knowledge areas:
- Industrial Engineering and Technology
- Information Technology, including information systems and software engineering.
- Science and Its Applications
- Social Science and Humanity
In order to improve the quality of the published articles, since 2021 publication, we introduced the manuscript preparation guidelines. The new template for IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science could be downloaded here. We also welcome internationally reputable researchers to write a review paper on current issues which is relevant to industries, governments, and communities in developing countries.
Please click here to submit your paper.
International Indexing
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science has been archived and indexed by the following services:
- Proquest since 2013
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) since 2013.
- Google Scholar since 2013.
- Open Archive Initiatives (OAI) since 2013.
- BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) since 2014
- Garuda since 2019
- IAES Section Journal since 2015
- Infobase Indexing since 2015
- Cross Ref since 2013.
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IPTEK Journal of Science and Technology by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, ITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://iptek.its.ac.id/index.php/jts.