Vol 3, No 2 (2024)


Table of Contents


The external controller solutions (ECS) based on programmable logic controller with humanmachine interface: A case study for the water level simulator plant PDF
Sefi Novendra Patrialova, Waga Winata, Safira Firdaus Mujiyanti, Ahmad Fauzan Adziima, Dwi Oktavianto Wahyu Nugroho 55 - 71
Design of an automatic cost-effective cracker dryer as an effort to increase the production of squid crackers at Banyuwangi Regency PDF
Brian raafi'u, Fitri Adi Iskandarianto, Joko Susilo, Erna Septyaningrum, Rakmad Amrinsyah, Badrul Alam, Tedy Agasta 72 - 78
Design a monitoring system for the output voltage, current, and frequency of a 3-phase generator in a mini power plant module at the instrumentation engineering department PDF
Brian raafi'u, Fitri Adi Iskandarianto, Purwadi Ags Darwito, Titin Nur Fadilah, Rakmad Amrinsyah, Badrul Alam, Fauzi Imaduddin Adhim, Rizaldy Hakim Ash-Shiddieqy 79 - 86
Solar-powered automatic oven machine for chili and ginger drying in the highland PDF
Ahmad Fauzan Adziimaa, Ilham Hary Mukti, Elda Yofi Pramadani 87 - 93
Design of automatic fire extinguishing system with interactive web display PDF
Ahmad Fauzan Adziimaa, Salma Azizah 94 - 105
Public Satisfaction Analysis of Surabaya City Using Importance Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction Index PDF
Fahmi Maulutfi Dwi Putra, Brodjol Sutijo Suprih Ulama 106 - 113

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