Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Cover Vol.6 No.1 2020 | |
Ijcsam Editors | |
Bifurcation Analysis of Toxoplasmosis Epidemic Control on Increased Controlled Rate of Suppressing the Rate of Infected Births | |
Meri Hari Yanni, Zulfahmi Zulfahmi | 1-5 |
Analysis of Maritime Security Business Safety Construction Business With Analytical Network Process Model | |
Ade Supandi, Arief Daryanto, Bunasor Sanim, Luky Adrianto | 6-12 |
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Around Circular Cylinder and Three Passive Controls to Reduce Drag Coefficient at Re=500 | |
Chairul Imron, Amirul Hakam, Basuki Widodo, Tri Yogi Yuwono | 13-17 |
Estimation of Air Pollutant Transportation Equation in Surabaya using Kalman Filter Method | |
Didik Khusnul Arif, Helisyah Nur Fadhilah, Prima Aditya | 18-22 |
Optimal Control of Multi-Supplier Inventory Management with Lead Time | |
Darsih Idayani, Subchan Subchan | 23-32 |
Handling Imbalance Data in Classification Model with Nominal Predictors | |
Kartika Fithriasari, Iswari Hariastuti, Kinanthi Sukma Wening | 33-37 |
Back Matter
Back Matter | |
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International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics by Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah LPPM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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