Intergenerational Smoking Among Adolescent in Indonesia

Lienggar Rahadiantino, Ariska Nurfajar Rini, Banu Prasetyo


Children, in general, make fathers a role model in the family. This condition causes children to often change their father's habits, including smoking. To analyze the intrageneration relationship between smoking habits of teenagers and fathers, this study uses data obtained from the 2014 Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). Taking into account the characteristics used, we got a sample of 1,507 respondents produced 15-21 years. We use a logistic regression model to classify smoking habits that affect smoking habits in adolescents in rural and urban areas. The estimation results found that a father's smoking habit does not change the child's smoking habit — a children's home. Children who are active in youth activities have a high chance of smoking. Based on family characteristics, teenagers who have educated parents have a lower possibility of tobacco. Besides, children who do not live in Java have higher smoking freedom than those who live in Java.


Smoking, Family History, Young Adults

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