Effect of Various Rapid Cooling Treatment on the Structural Properties of Iron Nickel Aliminium Alloy Deposited by Detonation-Gun (D-Gun) Method
nanocrystalline structure. This treatment was carried out by rotating the substrate and simultaneously rotating and spraying distilled ice-water to the substrate throughout the deposition process. From the XRD pattern of the deposited alloys, there can be seen the occurrence of phase transformation compared to as-received alloy. The -(Fe,Ni), FeNi3 and Al phase of as-received alloy were changed into only -(Fe,Ni) phase of deposited alloys. The apparent crystal size evaluated by Scherrer Method was in nanometer scale size. The successive
spraying of distilled ice-water gives effect on the decrease of crystal size of the deposited alloy (37.78 nm) as compared to non-sprayed deposited alloy (56.80 nm).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24604682.v7i1.896
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