Management Model of Mambal Irrigation Area in the Efforts to Develop Environment-Based Agro-tourism

I Gusti Agung Putu Eryani, A.A. Sg. Dewi Rahadiani, Cok Agung Yujana


Bali has an irrigation system known as Subak. The utilization and operation of Subak, are carried out by involving community participation in it. Mambal Irrigation Area, having great water potential, can still be developed to increase agricultural yields in the Mambal Irrigation Area. The purpose of this research was to determine the management model of the Mambal Irrigation Area to develop agro-tourism with environment-based. The SWOT model, based on the potential and problems that occur in the Mambal Irrigation Area, is used. Based on the location survey and SWOT analysis, the results obtained are the strength of the Mambal Potential water in the Mambal weir can flow during the dry season and rainy season, this potential can be used to increase agricultural yield and develop the area as an agro-tourism environment-based. But on the other hand there are still some problems that occur in the Mambal Irrigation Area. Alternative management, can be done to optimize the existing potential and reduce the negative impact due to existing problems, is by developing environment-based agro-tourism in the Mambal Irrigation Area. Agro-tourism is expected to reduce the land-use change in the Subak area, improve socio-economic conditions in the surrounding area, and can maintain the environmental sustainability.

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