Table of Contents
KASITS: A Graphical User Interface for Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis of Five-Bar Linkage with Prismatic Joint |
Taufik Ali Rahman, Achmad Saiful Hadi, Latifah Nurahmi, Ari Kurniawan Saputra, Bambang Pramujati, Unggul Wasiwitono, Arockia Selvakumar |
1-9 |
Enhancing Savonius Turbine Self-starting Capability by Installing a Circular Cylinder in Front of Returning Turbine Blade |
Tri Yogi YUWONO, Ramadhan Ananto Bagas, Paramesti Suksmatatya, Merbasari Mahardina Festy, Lisdarina Elza, Nabila Arif Vega, Jeremia Dionisius, Lawrence Budhiarto Michael, Shuhufam Afiyah |
16-23 |
Studies of the effect of melt spinning on the electrochemical properties of the AB2 Laves phase alloys |
Ika Dewi Wijayanti, Live Mølmen, Roman Denys, Matylda N Guzik, Stéphane Gorsse, Jean Louis Bobet, Volodymyr Yartys |
24-29 |

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