Goal Programming Model for Optimizing The Management of Brackish Water Milkfish Ponds in Gresik

M. Fatkhur Rohman, Moses Laksono Singgih, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono


National fish consumption is increasing every year, both sea fish and fish farming. That is because the appeal and invitation of the government to consume fresh fish (white meat) which contains lots of vitamins and protein. Milkfish is one of the most consumed fish species because it is easy to get and the price is relatively cheap. One of the biggest milkfish producers in East Java is located in Gresik Regency. The fulfillment of milkfish consumption needs depends on its productivity. Milkfish productivity depends on the area of the pond. The greater the land area, the more milk fish can be produced. However, milkfish farming is often constrained by the size of ponds, so the amount of milkfish harvest is also limited. In this study, the goal programming method is used to obtain several objectives, namely maximizing profits, minimizing capital, minimizing production costs and inventory costs, taking into account the changing demands in each harvest period, population density, milkfish survival rate and growth rate. The profit from selling the harvest can be optimized by selling some fish (on demand) and re-raising the remaining milk fish from the harvest (inventory) for resale in the next harvest period. Although production costs and inventory costs increase with more food, these benefits will be maximized compared to selling the entire harvest during that period. Because the greater the weight of milk fish, the higher the selling price. So the benefits will be far more leverage.


Area of The Pond; Demand; Goal Programming; Growth Rate; Milkfish; Population Density; Survival Rate

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j23546026.y2020i6.11154


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