Optimization of Interval Between Overhaul on Steam Power Plant with Risk Based On Human Error and Profi

Emilius Wahyu, Arif Wahjudi


Power plant companies have many different standard interval between overhauls. The difference may be due to the different methods used by the company. However, these methods do not take into account aspects of risk, aspects of human error and financial aspects simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal interval overhaul by considering aspects of risk, human error aspects and financial aspects simultaneously. The propsed method to calculate reliability plant model using the Criticality Risk Matrix tool and elimination of equipment that can be overhauled at the time the plant under operating conditions, succeeds in reducing the number of equipment that needs to be analyzed, from 210 to 30 equipment. Parameter reliability plant obtained β: 0.9755, η: 602.0508, γ: 7.5942. The reliability plant model is combined with reliability constant affected by human error resulting in a combined reliability model. The combination of combined unreliability model, multiply to Economical Consequences so that the Total Cost model can be obtained. Genetic algorithm is an effective method to be used in the optimization process of a non linear function. The difference between net income model and total cost will produce profit model, so the optimal overhaul interval can be known by doing optimization on the model so that obtained top1 = 7698 hours. Optimization of total cost model can be done to find out the latest time the plant must be shutdown to do overhaul in order to avoid cost inefficiency. Optimal time total cost obtained top2 = 17645 hours


interval; overhaul; risk; human error; profit

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j23546026.y2019i1.5100


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