Table of Contents
The Impact of the Trans-Sumatran Highway Development on Logistic Cost Efficiency |
Reslyana Dwitasari, Yandra Rahadian Perdana, Yessi Gusleni, Zusnita Meyrawati |
13-15 |
Route Optimization of Oil Country Tubular Goods Distribution Using Sweep and Savings Algorithm |
Gita Kurnia, Adji Chandra Kurniawan, Maulida Nawadir, Maghfira Safitri Yasmin, Marlene Hibatullah |
28-33 |
Location-Routing Problem Analysis (Case Study: Natural Disaster Risk Mitigation in Pangandaran District) |
Nabila Fajri Kusuma Ningrum, Muhammad Welano Kharisma, Rifqi Rahmadanti Agustin, Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi, Rahmad Inca Liferda |
34-38 |
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