Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

  1. Aurelius Ratu, Department of Development Studies Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia


  1. Alfi Rohmatul Hidayah, Department of Science Communication, F. Creabiz, ITS, Indonesia
  2. Rumaysha Gikha Nisrina, Department of Science Communication, F.Creabiz, ITS, Indonesia
  3. Eka Dian Savitri, Department of Development Studies Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia
  4. Hermanto Hermanto, Department of Development Studies Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia

Journal Manager

  1. Fitra Amar Rachmanu, Department of Developmental Study ITS, Indonesia

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p-ISSN (1979-5521)  e-ISSN (2443-3527)