Table of Contents
Research Article
Strategi Respon atas Digitalisasi Bisnis pada Perempuan Pelaku Usaha Mikro dan Kecil | |
Yasmine Nasution, Muthia Pramesti | 123-134 |
“Yeah, I Know You Always Stay”: Menjelajahi Dunia Virtual ARMY pada Fanbase @bitiesfess Selama Hiatus Grup | |
Meilya Syifa Aghniya Rahman, Zainal Abidin Achmad | 145-159 |
Analisis Tantangan Moderasi Beragama di Era Digital melalui Perspektif Teori Filter Bubble dan Echo Chamber | |
Alfi Rohmatul Hidayah, Moh. Asaddin Nur | 160-170 |
Determinasi Penyebab Stunting dan Persepsi Sosial terhadap Resiliensi Keluarga di Kecamatan Gadingrejo Pasuruan | |
Baretha Yuanda, Desy Santi Rozakiyah | 171-188 |
Identifikasi Permasalahan Mahasiswa Evaluasi Semester Program Akademik dan Vokasi di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya | |
Yuli Purwanto, Setiawan Setiawan, Sunawi Sunawi, Fatkhul Iman Nurdjati, Siti Machmudah | 201-213 |
The Paradox of E-Office Adoption in Indonesian Public Service with 24.000 Apps: Innovation or Prestige? | |
Nadia Safira, Haris Hanan | 214-229 |
From Gold to Gaze: The Gendered Lens of Body Shaming in Online Media Coverage of Female Athletes | |
Rumaysha Gikha Nisrina, Raja Bintang Abrori | 230-240 |
The Role of Women in Community Development: Reenacting Digital Activism in Improving Education for All Children, Lesson Learned from Tulungagung and Semarang | |
Palupi Anggraheni, Anjani Tri Fatharini, Hanna Nurhaqiqi, Ratih Pandu Mustikasari, Yohana Grezia Diaz, Miracle Nauli Gultom | 241-253 |
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