Vol 9, No 1 (2023)

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Ijcsam Editors PDF


Determine the Solution of Delay Differential Equations using Runge-Kutta Methods with Cubic-Spline Interpolation PDF
Agus Dahlia, Rahma Qudsi 1-3
On the Reciprocal Sums of Generalized Fibonacci-Like Sequence PDF
Musraini M., Rustam Efendi, Endang Lily, Noor El Goldameir, Verrel Rievaldo Wijaya 4-8
Secure and Space Efficient Accounts Storage System Using Three-Dimensional Bloom Filter PDF
Muhammad Arzaki, Raissa Henardianti Hanifa, Farah Afianti 9-17
Economic Analysis of Corn Plantation Factors Using Geographic Information System Through Location Quotient and Shift Share Method in East Java Province PDF
Koni Dwi Prasetya, Wahyu Fistia Doctorina 18-20
The Construction of Mathematical Model for the Mechanism of Protein Synthesis Involving mTORC1 from the AMPK Pathway PDF
Ari Kusumastuti, Mohammad Jamhuri, Dewi Firdaus, Nurul Anggraeni Hidayati 21-26
Convergence and Completeness in L_2 (P) with respect to a Partial Metric PDF
Annisa Rahmita Soemarsono, Mahmud Yunus, Erna Apriliani, Adam Adam 27-31

Back Matter


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International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics by Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah LPPM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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