Vol 16, No 2 (2020)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24604682.v16i2

JFA (Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya) Volume 16 Nomor 2 Edisi Juni 2020

Table of Contents


The synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles by Milling and Coprecipitation Mixed Method PDF
Maya Puspitasari Izaak, Yohanes Edi Gunanto, Henni Sitompul, Wisnu Ari Adi 67-70
Nur Kadarisman, Fitria Ayu Sulistiani, Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, Rhyko Irawan Wisnuwijaya, Agus Sugiarto 71-77
The effect of doping of La3+ ions on multiferoic Bi2-xLaxFe4O9 (x = 0; 0.2; 0.5; 1.0) as microwave absorber PDF
yohanes edi gunanto, Wisnu Ari Adi 78-81
Physical Properties Comparison of rGO-like phase prepared from Coconut Shell and the Commercial Product PDF
Retno Asih, Maya Mahirotul Septya, Erik Bhekti Yutomo, Fahmi Astuti, Malik Anjelh Baqiya, Darminto Darminto 82-86
Preliminary Study of Using KY-038 Sensor Based on Arduino UNO and LabView to Determine the Pulse Rate PDF
Nur Afifah Zen, Slamet Indriyanto, Indah Permatasari, Juwansyah Sasmita, Lia Yuliantini 87-90
Study of the formation of amorphous carbon and rGO-like phases from palmyra sugar by variation of calcination temperature PDF
Fahmi Astuti, Novita Sari, Vera Laviara Maghfirohtuzzoimah, Retno Asih, Malik Anjelh Baqiya, Darminto Darminto 91-94
Evaluation of Well-Type Chamber Calibration Factor for Measurement of Ir-192 Brachytherapy Source Over 10 Institutions PDF
Assef Firnando Firmansyah, Okky Agassy Firmansyah, Sri Inang Sunaryati, Nurman Rajagukguk 95-101
Analysis of Small Scale Topography and Local Precipitation in Bangka Belitung Island PDF
Ratih Prasetya, Rizki Adzani 102-109

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