Zainul Muhibbin


The problem underlying this research is a perception of slow development and advancement labeled to Indonesian as a result of low working spirit in comparison to its neighboring countries known as “Little Dragons” such as South Korea, Taiwan, China and Singapore. Moslem dominate Indonesia as a major religion; whether Aqidah has influences on a person’s working spirit is the main focus of this research. It is very important to prove whether there is a positive relationship between a person’s Aqidah and his/her working spirit.

Data analysis is carried data tabulation method and correlation analysis (Pearson Correlation). The result show that almost, the correlation of the variables shows quite low correlation between the tendency of Aqidah thought and working spirit. It can be concluded that Aqidah is not the sole factor influencing the person working spirit. There must other factors outside Aqidah in particular and religion in general.


Aqidah, working spirit, not the sole factor.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24433527.v1i2.670


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