Dysfunction of Collaborative Governance in the Handling Policy of Covid-19 at Jambi Province

Muhammad Ichsan Kabullah, Sudarmoko Sudarmoko, Hendri Koeswara, Fajri Rahman, Azwar Azwar


Current research on public administration has generally concluded that collaborative governance is a key factor to solve the contemporary crisis. This argument departs from the essence of a concept that brings state and private stakeholders together in policymaking. Through a case study in the Jambi Province, we find that the collaboration between local governments and society has useful in handle Covid-19 crisis because they may shared understanding to prioritize Covid-19 pandemic as common problem. At the same time, the religious tension also gave a positive impact for the collaboration. However, the collaboration performance has followed several challenges such as incompatible procedures, inequality for the same access between individuals, and intervention by local elites.


Collaborative Governance; Crisis; Covid-19; Jambi

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