Characterization of Type-III Resistant Starch Produced by High Shear Mixing Combined with Membrane Separation

Putu Ayu Yuliani Indiasih, Muhammad Faturahman Almuhaimin, Muh. Abdillah Taufiqurrahman, Bramantyo Airlangga, Sumarno Sumarno


There are five types of resistant starch and the most commonly used as functional food is type-III resistant starch (RS-III), which is a retrograded of gelatinized starch that is conventionally produced by heating and cooling treatment. This study characterized the RS-III produced by an unconventional method by modification of high shear mixing (HSM) combined with membrane microfiltration from cassava starch. A starch/water mixture with a concentration of 1/20 w/v was gelatinized in the HSM reactor at 95°C for 15 minutes and then separated using membrane microfiltration. The separated permeate was cooled to the retrogradation process. The products were characterized by iodine, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Total Dietary Fiber (TDF) content. The highest amylose content that can be achieved was 15.3% with a degree of crystallinity of 8.58%. The higher HSM speed significantly increased the TDF content in RS-III products up to 12.33%.


Amylose, Cassava Starch, High Shear Mixing, Microfiltration, Resistant Starch Type-III

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